
Photo Credit: Chuttersnap


Judith Vogel


holds an MA in Publishing and was Managing Director of market research agencies Lonsdale Research and Promotional Insights. She is now actively involved in the voluntary sector working in schools and with TRAC to promote literacy and reading

Beth Bonini


created the BOOK 1000 database and the reading lists which can be found on this website. After receiving a M.Ed. in Reading Education, she taught English literature and reading skills to a variety of age groups in both the USA and the UK.  Her lifelong passion for children's and Young Adult literature has inspired her involvement with a variety of reading charities, including TRAC. These days she can be found organising the Young Adult bookshelves at the Oxfam Bloomsbury Bookshop, and discussing books on Goodreads and Instagram.

Olga Loboda


is in charge of the TRAC website redesign as well as web app development with the UCL Department of Computer Science. She holds an MSc in Digital Humanities and is currently pursuing a PhD degree in Information Studies at UCL.

Simon Mahony

Academic Advisor

is a Principal Teaching Fellow at the Centre for Digital Humanities at University College London (UCL), Programme Director for MA/MSc Digital Humanities and a Trans-Atlantic yachtsman. Visit his UCL page.

Helen Miller


is a Chartered Accountant who worked in finance and change management roles in blue chip organisations. She has been an active volunteer in further education and child development charities. She is currently studying for an MSc in Industrial, Organisational and Business Psychology at UCL.

Jo Tregenza


is a Senior Teaching Fellow (Primary Lead) at the University of Sussex. Sussex University PGCE leader and education consultant focussing on teaching children to enjoy reading.

Rebecca Vogel

Social Media Manager

holds an MSc in Strategic Marketing from Imperial College Business School having recently returned from the United States where she graduated from the University of Virginia.

Claudia Yogeswaran

Founding Member

continues to support web app development at TRAC. She holds an MA in Library and Information Studies from UCL.

Zanna Olestsik


studied advertising (BSc in Advertising and Image-making and MSc in Creative Advertising) and has attended a number of art schools. She created illustrations and logo for TRAC.